“And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” – Matthew 10:36
Painful thought, but true.
As Leaders In The Making you too will experience the above statement. Having gone through it myself more than twice, I didn’t realize the blessing till the third time around.
Household isn’t necessarily the members of your family, though sometimes it is. Household can also represent your place of business, your own company, group or fellowship. Take David for instance. His foe was his own son, Absalom (household), and his trusted counselor, Ahithophel (household–Kingdom/job/workplace). Remember Joseph? His foes were his ten brothers.
Jesus had a foe, Judas. And it is from watching how Jesus interacted with His foe that I get a glimpse of God’s divine plan accomplished through household foes.
Since Jesus is omniscience, he knew from the beginning Judas would betray Him yet, He never exposed him to the others. He never mistreated Judas, either. He continued to love him, respect him and acknowledge him as His disciple whom He chose.
In God’s divine wisdom, Judas played a crucial part in putting into motion the plan of our salvation when he betrayed Jesus to the religious authorities. Whatever Judas’ reasons for his betrayal (and theologians give us numerous reasons), his weapon of betrayal did not stop the purpose of God just as Joseph’s brothers couldn't stop the fulfillment of Joseph’s dreams, nor could Absalom end David’s rule as King of Israel. Each of them were incorporated into bringing forth the plans and purposes of God.
I’ve learned not to fret, fume and become emotionally distraught over household foes. Instead I emulate Jesus by demonstrating love, respect and friendship. I don’t bear my innermost thoughts, but I do leave the door open for repentance and reconciliation. I rest in Jesus for I have experienced the truth that what Satan means for evil, God uses for good to them who are called according to His purpose.
"That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death." - Philippians 3:10
Saturday, May 5, 2012
MEDITATIONS FOR LEADERS: Proofing for Ministry
“And immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan;” – Mark 1:12, 13a
The time between Jesus’ baptism and the beginning of His public ministry, He spent forty days in the wilderness being tried by Satan. It was in this time slot that Jesus was proved ready to begin His ministry. His defeat of every temptation sent by Satan showed that He knew who He was (If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread); He knew His relationship with the Father was secure (If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.); and He was totally committed to pleasing the Father (All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. - Matt. 4:4-10).
In the time between our baptism and the beginning of our public ministry we too will be driven into the wilderness to be tried by Satan. Proofing may not take place in an actual desert wilderness; it may be at home among unsaved family members, or the place of employment surrounded by unscrupulous co-workers, and even more shocking, it could be the place of worship in the midst of carnal Christians. Regardless of the location, you will be tried in the same areas Christ was. You will be challenged to prove you are a Christian by stepping outside of God’s plan for your life; tempted to try God in your relationship with Him; and deceived into “selling out” to obtain what God has already promised if you seek Him first.
The length of time we spend in the wilderness depends on how long it takes us to pass the test. Forty days was all Satan could handle in his testing of Jesus because Jesus was unmovable in His person and His relationship with the Father. He knew who He was, He knew the Father’s love for Him, and He was determined to please the Father at all cost.
As Leaders in the Making we must stand firm in our belief in what God says about His acceptance of us through the blood of Jesus; rest in the truth of His word that no one can separate us from His love; and not allow anyone or anything to take His place as Lord and Savior in our life. It is then and only then can the Lord bring us to the forefront of public ministry.
The time between Jesus’ baptism and the beginning of His public ministry, He spent forty days in the wilderness being tried by Satan. It was in this time slot that Jesus was proved ready to begin His ministry. His defeat of every temptation sent by Satan showed that He knew who He was (If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread); He knew His relationship with the Father was secure (If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.); and He was totally committed to pleasing the Father (All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. - Matt. 4:4-10).
In the time between our baptism and the beginning of our public ministry we too will be driven into the wilderness to be tried by Satan. Proofing may not take place in an actual desert wilderness; it may be at home among unsaved family members, or the place of employment surrounded by unscrupulous co-workers, and even more shocking, it could be the place of worship in the midst of carnal Christians. Regardless of the location, you will be tried in the same areas Christ was. You will be challenged to prove you are a Christian by stepping outside of God’s plan for your life; tempted to try God in your relationship with Him; and deceived into “selling out” to obtain what God has already promised if you seek Him first.
The length of time we spend in the wilderness depends on how long it takes us to pass the test. Forty days was all Satan could handle in his testing of Jesus because Jesus was unmovable in His person and His relationship with the Father. He knew who He was, He knew the Father’s love for Him, and He was determined to please the Father at all cost.
As Leaders in the Making we must stand firm in our belief in what God says about His acceptance of us through the blood of Jesus; rest in the truth of His word that no one can separate us from His love; and not allow anyone or anything to take His place as Lord and Savior in our life. It is then and only then can the Lord bring us to the forefront of public ministry.
pleasing the father,
ready for ministry,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Meditations for Leaders in the Making (Forgiveness)

". . . Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." - Luke 23:34
Even on the cross Jesus offered up a prayer of mercy unto the Father for His accusers. God is just even in judgment. On the surface you would think Jesus' reason for asking the Father to forgive His executioners was simply because His purpose in coming was to die in our place that we might be reconciled back to God. But it goes much deeper than that.
Jesus asked for forgiveness on their behalf because they really didn't know what they had done. The Roman soldiers didn't know He was the Christ, God of everything seen and unseen. To them god was one of many statues they gave honor to for atmospheric occurrences they couldn't explain, and victory in battle. The crowd that yelled "crucify Him, crucify Him" were following the instructions of the religious leaders who they believed to be the true guides in matters concerning Jehovah.
The scribes and Pharisees who knew the law of Moses and the writings of the prophets, did not know that the man they sentence to death was their long awaited Messiah. They didn't have Jesus executed because they wanted to kill the promised Messiah! They didn't know His birthplace was Bethlehem Ephrathah, of a virgin. They thought He was born in Nazareth, a product of fornication. They didn't realize that He was the one Moses said would be raised up from among them as a prophet like unto him, who would raise the dead, heal the sick, open blind eyes and give speech to the dumb. How could they, the keepers of the sacred Word of God, have missed all the signs and proof of Jesus' identity? Envy, insecurity and fear.
They were so envious of Jesus' popularity with the multitudes that they feared losing their preeminence over the people---that they would no longer be sought after. They feared the end of their authority as the experts on God among the people, so they conspired and plotted His demise. If they could have overcome their envy and fear, they would have been stirred to use their skills of research and study to discover that He was indeed God's Servant the Prophet Isaiah spoke of. Instead, they became blind guides.
AS LEADERS IN THE MAKING you must come to a level of maturity and say, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." There will be times in your press for attainment in Christ that those who for envy and fear for self-preservation and importance in the eyesight of people will come against the anointing of Christ in your life. Friendships will be severed at the command of insecure religious people. But like Jesus, you must look beyond their attacks and understand the reason for their actions, and become a healing balm of prayer to the Father on their behalf.
(This, and all of the "Meditations for Leaders in the Making" were developed from the personal journal entries of Anna M. Ashby-Caison, 1996-1998, copyright 2003 by Christ Made Known In Me!)
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Meditations for Leaders in the Making (Validation)
". . . . many believed in His name when they saw the miracles which He did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because He knew all men. And needed not that any should testify of man: for He knew what was in man." - John 2:23b-25
A danger to our effectiveness as Leaders is to look for validation from men.
In the above scriptures, many believed on Jesus because of the miracles He did. But Jesus did not commit or entrust Himself to their validation of who He was because He knew the fickleness of man. Such as the seventy who became His disciples after witnessing His miracles and later, disassociated themselves from Him when He said, "he that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." However, their rejection of Him did not change the fact that He was, and still is the Son of God and that He was sent by God to give His life that we might have eternal life.
When the Pharisees declared Him not to be the Son of God because He lacked validation from two witnesses, Jesus told them they erred because their judgment was based on flesh; what they thought, what their colleagues thought, what the town people of Nazareth thought, perhaps what His own brothers and sisters thought. The validation of who He is was not determined by man. His validation was of the Spirit, and since Jesus is God, He is His first witness, and His second witness was God the Father for it was the Father who sent Him. Proof that the Father sent Him is the power and authority He exhibited over sin, sickness, death, the elements, and all the works of the devil.
As LEADERS IN THE MAKING, our validation of sonship and ministry is not based on the testimony of men either. Not our parents, siblings, co-workers, not even our pastors or other Christian leaders can validate whether or not we are called of God. Our validation is based on the testimony of God. Romans 8:16 says that the "Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." The Holy Spirit, is witness number one. Jesus is our second witness for as the Father sent Him, He has sent us and have given us the ministry of reconciliation (John 17:18: 2 Cor. 5:19-20). And the proof that He has sent us is the manifestation of His power in our life over sin and all the works of the devil.
A danger to our effectiveness as Leaders is to look for validation from men.
In the above scriptures, many believed on Jesus because of the miracles He did. But Jesus did not commit or entrust Himself to their validation of who He was because He knew the fickleness of man. Such as the seventy who became His disciples after witnessing His miracles and later, disassociated themselves from Him when He said, "he that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." However, their rejection of Him did not change the fact that He was, and still is the Son of God and that He was sent by God to give His life that we might have eternal life.
When the Pharisees declared Him not to be the Son of God because He lacked validation from two witnesses, Jesus told them they erred because their judgment was based on flesh; what they thought, what their colleagues thought, what the town people of Nazareth thought, perhaps what His own brothers and sisters thought. The validation of who He is was not determined by man. His validation was of the Spirit, and since Jesus is God, He is His first witness, and His second witness was God the Father for it was the Father who sent Him. Proof that the Father sent Him is the power and authority He exhibited over sin, sickness, death, the elements, and all the works of the devil.
As LEADERS IN THE MAKING, our validation of sonship and ministry is not based on the testimony of men either. Not our parents, siblings, co-workers, not even our pastors or other Christian leaders can validate whether or not we are called of God. Our validation is based on the testimony of God. Romans 8:16 says that the "Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." The Holy Spirit, is witness number one. Jesus is our second witness for as the Father sent Him, He has sent us and have given us the ministry of reconciliation (John 17:18: 2 Cor. 5:19-20). And the proof that He has sent us is the manifestation of His power in our life over sin and all the works of the devil.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
When It Looks like You've Failed
"And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided Him, saying, He saved others; let Him save Himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God." - Luke 23:35
When Jesus hung and died on the cross He looked like He had failed in His mission. One of His disciples had betrayed Him while the others (except John) hid in fear. No one could be found to speak up for His innocence, no one came forward to testify of the healing they and their loved one received at His touch. There were women weeping at the foot of the cross, believing their hope was lost, and injustice had scored another victory. It's all over His followers thought; the time, monies, travels, everything they invested in Jesus and His ministry was a loss.
That's what it looked like, but that's not what it was! What looked like failure to the carnal eye was actually Success! The cross was the means by which the Success of His ministry came.
AS LEADERS IN THE MAKING there will be times when after you've followed the instructions of the Holy Spirit, gone where you were sent, did what you were prompted to do; your mission will look like failure. Your bank account may be empty, friends will become few and there will be none to encourage you. Everything will look like a loss.
Remember, what looks like failure to the carnal eye is success to the spiritual eye. Apostle Paul said God took the foolishness (what looked like failure) of the cross to confound the wise (Greeks: great thinkers and learners of men), and confuse the Jews (a stumbling block). Why? So no flesh (including you and I) should glory in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:17-29).
When Jesus hung and died on the cross He looked like He had failed in His mission. One of His disciples had betrayed Him while the others (except John) hid in fear. No one could be found to speak up for His innocence, no one came forward to testify of the healing they and their loved one received at His touch. There were women weeping at the foot of the cross, believing their hope was lost, and injustice had scored another victory. It's all over His followers thought; the time, monies, travels, everything they invested in Jesus and His ministry was a loss.
That's what it looked like, but that's not what it was! What looked like failure to the carnal eye was actually Success! The cross was the means by which the Success of His ministry came.
AS LEADERS IN THE MAKING there will be times when after you've followed the instructions of the Holy Spirit, gone where you were sent, did what you were prompted to do; your mission will look like failure. Your bank account may be empty, friends will become few and there will be none to encourage you. Everything will look like a loss.
Remember, what looks like failure to the carnal eye is success to the spiritual eye. Apostle Paul said God took the foolishness (what looked like failure) of the cross to confound the wise (Greeks: great thinkers and learners of men), and confuse the Jews (a stumbling block). Why? So no flesh (including you and I) should glory in His presence (1 Corinthians 1:17-29).
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Meditations for Leaders in the Making (Humility #2)
"But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." - Philippians 2:7,8
Whenever I begin to feel I can't handle being belittled by peers; when I just can't take being humiliated by the very people God sent me to minister to, and to assist in the work of the ministry; the Holy Ghost brings to my remembrance Philippians 2:7, 8.
Jesus was so determine to do the will of the Father, that He willingly took the position of a bond-servant, a surrendering of His will in order to accomplish God's will. And in the process of His submission to God, He had to endure the misconceptions, injustice, humiliation and slander of those He came to minister to. Yet He endured, without faltering, even unto death.
Just think about it. Jesus, the creator of everything seen and unseen; Jesus, God incarnate; the "Ancient of Days;" the "I Am that I Am" stepped down into the likeness of man and humbled Himself before the very people He created!
At age 12 He humbled Himself before His earthly parents and went home with them when He was found in the temple talking with the Doctors and Teachers of the law. At a wedding He humbled Himself before His mother and produced wine out of water for the host. He took the insults of misinformed people who called Him a wine bibber and a cohort of prostitutes and publicans. He was labeled by the Pharisees as Mary's illegitimate child, and at another time they called Him Beelzebub! He was turned over by the Sanhedrin to the Roman government for execution, being falsely accused of being an insurrectionist and blasphemer of the God of Israel (ridiculous! He was the God of Israel!). He was whipped, mocked, slapped, ridiculed and crucified between two thieves as if He was a common criminal. He could have called legions of angels to come to His aid, but He didn't because pleasing the Father meant death on the cross to deliver you and me from the power and penalty of sin. Following His death and resurrection, many who shunned Him and yelled "crucify Him" became Christians.
AS LEADERS IN THE MAKING, your relationship with Christ will be tested and tried in like manner as He was. As a servant of Christ you have access to unlimited help 24 hours a day. For we have not a High Priest who is not touched with the weakness of the flesh. He knows from personal experience what you are feeling and going through as you seek to please the Father. Draw from His strength and know of surety that as you continue to humble youself before God and man, you are dying to the sinful desires of the flesh. And in the process of your death in the flesh, the new man is being exalted drawing many to become Christians.
Whenever I begin to feel I can't handle being belittled by peers; when I just can't take being humiliated by the very people God sent me to minister to, and to assist in the work of the ministry; the Holy Ghost brings to my remembrance Philippians 2:7, 8.
Jesus was so determine to do the will of the Father, that He willingly took the position of a bond-servant, a surrendering of His will in order to accomplish God's will. And in the process of His submission to God, He had to endure the misconceptions, injustice, humiliation and slander of those He came to minister to. Yet He endured, without faltering, even unto death.
Just think about it. Jesus, the creator of everything seen and unseen; Jesus, God incarnate; the "Ancient of Days;" the "I Am that I Am" stepped down into the likeness of man and humbled Himself before the very people He created!
At age 12 He humbled Himself before His earthly parents and went home with them when He was found in the temple talking with the Doctors and Teachers of the law. At a wedding He humbled Himself before His mother and produced wine out of water for the host. He took the insults of misinformed people who called Him a wine bibber and a cohort of prostitutes and publicans. He was labeled by the Pharisees as Mary's illegitimate child, and at another time they called Him Beelzebub! He was turned over by the Sanhedrin to the Roman government for execution, being falsely accused of being an insurrectionist and blasphemer of the God of Israel (ridiculous! He was the God of Israel!). He was whipped, mocked, slapped, ridiculed and crucified between two thieves as if He was a common criminal. He could have called legions of angels to come to His aid, but He didn't because pleasing the Father meant death on the cross to deliver you and me from the power and penalty of sin. Following His death and resurrection, many who shunned Him and yelled "crucify Him" became Christians.
AS LEADERS IN THE MAKING, your relationship with Christ will be tested and tried in like manner as He was. As a servant of Christ you have access to unlimited help 24 hours a day. For we have not a High Priest who is not touched with the weakness of the flesh. He knows from personal experience what you are feeling and going through as you seek to please the Father. Draw from His strength and know of surety that as you continue to humble youself before God and man, you are dying to the sinful desires of the flesh. And in the process of your death in the flesh, the new man is being exalted drawing many to become Christians.
Meditations for Leaders in the Making (Humility)
"There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews: The same came to Jesus by night" - John 3:1-2
There's much theorizing as to why Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Was it because it was more convenient for both their schedules; or was it to avoid being seen by fellow Pharisees conversing with the opposition?
One thing was evident to Nicodemus, Jesus was sent by God because of the miracles He did. However, the miracles were not enough for Nicodemus to openly support or respond favorable to His ministry in the open when the honorable and prestigious firm he belonged to was vehemently against Him.
We've all been where Nicodemus was at this point when there is a struggle between the established norm with its fringe benefits, and revealed truth without the frills of life. That's where Nicodemus was. To acknowledge Christ would be to forsake his office and position with all of its perceived power and prestige within the Sanhedrin in exchange for fellowship with a band of perceived heretics whose leader was the son of a carpenter that drew a following of sinners and publicans.
But like the Apostle Paul after him, Nicodemus counted everything he once valued as dung when in the open he and Joseph of Arimathaea took the bloody body of Jesus (becoming ceremonially unclean) and laid it in the tomb.
IN YOUR MAKING TO BE A LEADER, you will encounter those who like Nicodemus will desperately call upon you in the evening to pray for them, their sick, and wayward love ones; to speak a word of hope from God's Word to them----and then when daylight comes, in the midst of their clique, club or mix, they will avoid eye contact with you, they will act as if yesterday evening never occurred.
Don't allow their shame of you (which is actually being ashamed of Christ) make you wish you hadn't ministered to them. Don't allow bitterness to rob you of the hope that your personal Nicodemus like his biblical predecessor will one day unashamedly and without fear publicly embraced and declare the truth revealed through you, Christ's humble servant.
There's much theorizing as to why Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Was it because it was more convenient for both their schedules; or was it to avoid being seen by fellow Pharisees conversing with the opposition?
One thing was evident to Nicodemus, Jesus was sent by God because of the miracles He did. However, the miracles were not enough for Nicodemus to openly support or respond favorable to His ministry in the open when the honorable and prestigious firm he belonged to was vehemently against Him.
We've all been where Nicodemus was at this point when there is a struggle between the established norm with its fringe benefits, and revealed truth without the frills of life. That's where Nicodemus was. To acknowledge Christ would be to forsake his office and position with all of its perceived power and prestige within the Sanhedrin in exchange for fellowship with a band of perceived heretics whose leader was the son of a carpenter that drew a following of sinners and publicans.
But like the Apostle Paul after him, Nicodemus counted everything he once valued as dung when in the open he and Joseph of Arimathaea took the bloody body of Jesus (becoming ceremonially unclean) and laid it in the tomb.
IN YOUR MAKING TO BE A LEADER, you will encounter those who like Nicodemus will desperately call upon you in the evening to pray for them, their sick, and wayward love ones; to speak a word of hope from God's Word to them----and then when daylight comes, in the midst of their clique, club or mix, they will avoid eye contact with you, they will act as if yesterday evening never occurred.
Don't allow their shame of you (which is actually being ashamed of Christ) make you wish you hadn't ministered to them. Don't allow bitterness to rob you of the hope that your personal Nicodemus like his biblical predecessor will one day unashamedly and without fear publicly embraced and declare the truth revealed through you, Christ's humble servant.
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