Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Meditations for Leaders in the Making (Humility #2)

"But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." - Philippians 2:7,8

Whenever I begin to feel I can't handle being belittled by peers; when I just can't take being humiliated by the very people God sent me to minister to, and to assist in the work of the ministry; the Holy Ghost brings to my remembrance Philippians 2:7, 8.

Jesus was so determine to do the will of the Father, that He willingly took the position of a bond-servant, a surrendering of His will in order to accomplish God's will. And in the process of His submission to God, He had to endure the misconceptions, injustice, humiliation and slander of those He came to minister to. Yet He endured, without faltering, even unto death.

Just think about it. Jesus, the creator of everything seen and unseen; Jesus, God incarnate; the "Ancient of Days;" the "I Am that I Am" stepped down into the likeness of man and humbled Himself before the very people He created!

At age 12 He humbled Himself before His earthly parents and went home with them when He was found in the temple talking with the Doctors and Teachers of the law. At a wedding He humbled Himself before His mother and produced wine out of water for the host. He took the insults of misinformed people who called Him a wine bibber and a cohort of prostitutes and publicans. He was labeled by the Pharisees as Mary's illegitimate child, and at another time they called Him Beelzebub! He was turned over by the Sanhedrin to the Roman government for execution, being falsely accused of being an insurrectionist and blasphemer of the God of Israel (ridiculous! He was the God of Israel!). He was whipped, mocked, slapped, ridiculed and crucified between two thieves as if He was a common criminal. He could have called legions of angels to come to His aid, but He didn't because pleasing the Father meant death on the cross to deliver you and me from the power and penalty of sin. Following His death and resurrection, many who shunned Him and yelled "crucify Him" became Christians.

AS LEADERS IN THE MAKING, your relationship with Christ will be tested and tried in like manner as He was. As a servant of Christ you have access to unlimited help 24 hours a day. For we have not a High Priest who is not touched with the weakness of the flesh. He knows from personal experience what you are feeling and going through as you seek to please the Father. Draw from His strength and know of surety that as you continue to humble youself before God and man, you are dying to the sinful desires of the flesh. And in the process of your death in the flesh, the new man is being exalted drawing many to become Christians.

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